Friday, June 26, 2009


Hana, admiring our work.
Pruning time!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bethlehem and Franconia this week

Here are some beautiful gardens that I got to maintain this week. The first one is in Bethlehem. I edged the shrubs and perennials in the walkway. I also pruned the shrubs. I will probably plant some annuals along the walkway, depending on what the owners want done.
Simply lovely. I would love to meet the designer of this space.

Here are some forest gardens that I maintained in Franconia. These have to be experienced to be truly appreciated. This garden is set into a conifer forest and wraps around the edge of the yard in gentle curves.

It incorporates these granite posted fences. The fences can be fit in and out easily for maneuverability around the gardens. It's a great design.There are some lovely blue spruce incorporated into this section of the garden.Here, some flowers are beginning to bloom. Thank you for your business and visiting the blog! See the entry before this for prices and updates.